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6 posts tagged with "syntax"

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Complete Syntactic Pivot

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

My posts on this blog have dried up in recent months (about a half of a year) due to a couple rabbit holes that I've gone down. Playgrounds for syntaxes that have never been. I toyed around with a language formed entirely with HTML-like tags (a fairly-unexplored space in PL design) and then had some nostalgia for transpiler languages of yore. Around that time, I had a new idea taking hold...

Less Lua Table Shift

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

Just moments ago, I came upon a possible alternative route that I can take in the syntax. This route would lead to a schism in one area and a new unification in another. Perhaps the piece left alone is better that way. The two unified, well, that's a whole 'nother story...

Jersey-Style Syntax Refresh

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

At long last, a clean design for all data representations in Quarrel has been reached. The design caused some major changes and has effectively winnowed down Quarrel to a place where there is enough abstraction to be comfortable in the available syntax that you can make with the characters on most people's keyboards.

A Woke Invoke

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

Using this blog entry as a jotpad for an idea I am exploring. With the newly-minted, unified invocation syntax [], I now have two postcircumfix operators that are essentially untied to any semantics. I had a thought wherein the syntax of someContainer(...) could be best spent strengthening the semantic meaning of the parentheses in the first place: as a sequence expression.

Syntactic Tweaks

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

It's been some time since Quarrel has called me back to it. I wish I had the foresight to capture what insightful thing returned my mind's eye to gaze upon it's many jagged edges. I did return to reading about the Syndicate concurrency model but I don't recall what led me back to that material. Inspiration aside, I've been able to add some additional content which I will heretofor describe unto thee.