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3 posts tagged with "site"

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Analytics & Standard Library

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

I've taken some time over these last couple of days to continue to add more details here and also read some other language websites for inspiration into the best approach to organizing this site. Reading other language sites has also provided some help in filling out the features that Quarrel provides in its standard library. Keeping an ever vigilant eye for things that could be integrated directly into the language proper.

Docs Galore

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

My first mission is to bring the basic syntax.qvr file found in the qlc repo and transcribe it into Markdown whilst also adding additional details. Here in, lies some details of that journey including a Docusaurus migration and a new syntax highlighting plugin.

Hello World

Jake Russo

Jake Russo

Quarrel Designer

I've decided it's time to start getting Quarrel out there in the world. It may not be loved by everyone due to its many alien syntax and new semantics. However, I think it's got something special that the world needs to see. Only time will tell.

In the mean time, I will continue toiling away at this mess of syntax. There are always little shifts that occur which I will document here and what reasoning went into them. Currently, the language is mostly hashed-out however as I expand the documentation, I am finding things that can be tweaked to be more intuitive or to simplify/reduce down what is extraneous and thus provide more operators that are available for future growth of the language. One thing is for sure, when you restrict your design to only just the most commonly-found-on-keyboards symbols, you run out of material real quick!

I will also delve into details about the vision of Quarrel and why I set out on this journey. Feel free to stick around for PL design diatribes and more! Thanks for checking out Quarrel!